
Article Highlights


I've written articles for a wide variety of sites and publications. Here are just a couple I've pulled out that I'm particularly proud of, everything from comedy to horror and in-between. 


Comedy Article: 6 Insane Ways Going Green Can Backfire

Full Article: 6 Insane Ways Going Green Can Backfire | 2012

Summary: Write a funny yet informative article on some strange ways people going green without adequate preparation has backfired.

Results: Received over 900,000 views.

Advertorial: Dark House Movie Preview

Downloadable PDF: Dark House Movie Preview

Fangoria Magazine | 2010

Project Summary:  Write a preview/feature of the horror film "Dark House." The catch was that Fangoria owned the movie (as one of eight films in their FangoriaFrightfest), and therefore needed people to see it. Even though I thought the movie sucked, you'd never be able to tell thanks to this subtle, positive preview. 

Results: Fans were given the option to vote on which of the 8 movies would get a small theatrical release. "Dark House" won.

Analysis: Why Hillary’s Campaign Failed, a Marketing Investigation


Summary: A look at some of the marketing blunders from Hillary’s team that helped cost her the 2016 election.

Read the full article here.